Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mom....I love you

Here's a conversation that I had with Skyler in the car tonight...

Sky- Mom...(long pause)... I Love You. Sometimes I just say I Love You because I forgot what I was going to say.

Me- That's ok, you can say I love you all the time if you want.

Sky- Don't you think it would be really annoying if I said "I Love You" over and over all day long?

I hope 10 years from now, he will still tell me he loves me... even if it is sometimes because he forgot what to say!


Kelsey M. said...

Hahahaha. Oh man I love that little guy. I'm excited to be home again to hear these comments more often. What a sweetie.

Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

What a cute boy. I miss him.

annie said...

Ohhhh. That melts my heart. Don't you just want to freeze-frame them when they are this age?

Mindy Hill said...

He is the sweetest boy ever....just love him to pieces. I hope he and Isaac always stay as sweet as they are now!